
From 17th to 19th century

The beginning of the iron industry in the Mežiška Valley

Za uradni začetek železarstva v Mežiški dolini, kjer posluje tudi SIJ Metal Ravne, velja leto 1620.  Ob reki Meži so začele obratovati prve kovačnice in žebljarne, s čimer se je začel razmah industrijske izdelave železa. Na začetku 19. stoletja so grofje Thurni najprej kupili takratne Guštanjske obrate, kasneje pa še večino drugih obratov po Mežiški dolini, ter jih širili in modernizirali. Njihovi izdelki so bili že takrat poznani po svoji kakovosti, za kar so prejemali številna priznanja iz celega sveta.

Post-World War II

Železarna Ravne

This was a period of industrialisation in Yugoslavia at the time. The need for quality steel was extremely high. The 'Juri Count Thurnski' steelworks was confiscated and renamed the 'Guštanj Ironworks' in 1945. When Guštanj was renamed Ravne na Koroškem in 1952, the factory was renamed 'Železarna Ravne'. In the early 1950s, the plant started to organise research and development activities with special departments and ultrasonic examinations were already introduced in quality control.

From 1960 to 1970

A period of growth, modernisation and production expansion

Železarna Ravne has entered a period of growth, modernisation and production expansion. It produced over 200 different tool, structural and special steels.

From 1970 to 1990

Establishment of Metal Ravne d.o.o.

Due to the crisis that emerged with the independence of the Republic of Slovenia in 1991, sales of the predominantly Yugoslav market-oriented products of Železarna Ravne dropped overnight. In order to continue to exist, it was necessary to find new customers and to establish itself on foreign markets.

In 1991, the Works Council of Železarna Ravne adopted a decision to transfer the company's capital free of charge to Holding Slovenske železarne, which transferred the capital to the Republic of Slovenia.

In 1992, several production and service companies were created in Ravne from the single company Železarna Ravne. Metal Ravne d.o.o. was officially established at that time.

From 2000 to 2007

Slovenske Železarne are renamed to SIJ - Slovenian Steel Industry

In 2005, Slovenske Železarne was renamed to SIJ - Slovenian Steel Industry.

The process of privatization of SIJ – Slovenian Steel Industry was completed in 2007. The new majority owner of SIJ – Slovenian Steel Industry becomes company Dilon.

From 2007 to 2012

Period of intensive investment

During the economic crisis, which shook the world, Slovenia, and the steel industry also, SIJ Metal Ravne carried out an important investment cycle to modernize production, increase production capacity and focus on product programs with higher added value for niche steel markets. They built a new forge for heavy forgings, a foundry, a new billet rolling mill and a device for electric slag remelting in the protective atmosphere (ESR 3). Around EUR 110 million euros were allocated for the entire strategic investment cycle.

From 2013 to 2021

Strengthening of market position

With further investments, the company increased the volume of production and strengthened its market share. In the last months of 2015, two important investments worth over 20 million euros in the steel program were completed, namely in the modernization of a 45-ton high-capacity electric arc furnace and a new 45-ton vacuum reheat furnace. With the launch of a new continuous furnace with a protective atmosphere for the heat treatment of rolled products in 2018, they increased the production of the rolling program by more than 10%.

From 2019 to 2021

Automation and development of special steels with high added value

The successful business of SIJ Metal Ravne is the result of continuous development, which is based on a combination of own knowledge and investments in technology and production.

SIJ Metal develops an average of 10 new steels and 100 new products annually and is traditionally among the winners of the highest awards for innovation awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia.

In 2020, SIJ Metal Ravne also acquired the EN 9100 standard, which is a prerequisite for entering the aviation industry.

Based on these foundations, SIJ Metal Ravne has become an important player in the market of the most demanding products with high added value for the most demanding industries, such as the aviation, energy, oil, gas and construction industries.

With a fully automated line for heat treatment in the forge, a device for electro slag remelting, ESR 4 and the most modern comprehensive dedusting system of UHP furnaces in 2021 it completed the first phase of the hundred million investment cycle from the 2020 to 2025 strategy, which enables further development of special products for the most demanding industries.

From 2022 to 2024

Sustainability and green steel

The goals and business directions of the company have long been intertwined with sustainability. They are committed to global and European climate goals and operate according to the principles of a circular economy. With their steels and products, they are a partner for Europe's green transition.

In 2022, concrete commitments of the SIJ Group were written into the sustainable development strategy until 2030, which is in harmony with the business strategy. Commitments to sustainable operation and development were also supported by a decarbonisation plan.

In 2024, the SIJ Group received the ResponsibleSteel certificate. The standard is based on twelve principles, which include a series of criteria and requirements, and society's stakeholders are also involved in the evaluation. To obtain the ResponsibleSteel certificate, they passed an independent assessment by AFNOR Certification and proved that their activities meet strict criteria regarding environmental, social and management aspects of business and relations with stakeholders. In addition to the SIJ Group, there are only 13 steel groups in the world with this certificate.